Are your services covered by extended medical?
As a CAIN Registered Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, my services are typically covered by health/personal spending accounts and flex plans. Some plans also cover services of a holistic nutritionist (not to be confused with a dietician). To be certain, please contact your insurance provider. If you do have coverage and purchase a package I can issue individual receipts following each session.
If you reside in British Columbia and have coverage for occupational therapy services (please check with your insurance provider), you may also qualify. This is dependent upon your specific health and wellness goals and whether they fall under the occupational therapy umbrella. We can establish this through a free 15-minute discovery call. Occupational therapy services are not available to individuals who reside outside of British Columbia, Canada.
Do you only address nutrition?
Nope! Nutrition is one piece of a much larger puzzle. In addition to addressing your diet I also cover stress, sleep, mood, exercise, mindset and other lifestyle factors, and help you to incorporate healthy habits and routines in all of these domains.
What makes your services different from other holistic nutritionists?
When you work with me you get a holistic approach that is different from every other nutritionist. With over 13 years experience working as an Occupational Therapist with clients with depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain and other health issues, I do not just look at your diet. I look at the whole picture, including your occupations (things you do to occupy your time), routines, habits, values, roles and other lifestyle factors, and help you to make sustainable diet and lifestyle changes that address the root cause to help you reach your specific goals. With your permission, I can also work with your doctor (or other health care practitioner) to ensure the best possible care and outcome.
What is an Occupational Therapist?
This is a question I get often. And no, it is not someone who helps you at work or to find a job (but this can be part of what we do)! Simply put, occupations are things we do to occupy our time, and generally fall into the category of self care, productivity or leisure. Occupational Therapists help their clients to improve the engagement and independence in meaningful and valued occupations. While my services (for most clients) are under the scope of Holistic Nutrition, my background in occupational therapy helps to guide my practice. Please check out my blog post Occupational Therapy in a Nutshell to learn more
I see that you follow a plant-based diet. Do you recommend this for all your clients?
Nope. While I do not push anyone to adopt a plant-based diet who does not want to, I practice evidence-based nutrition which strongly supports a plant predominant diet. So while I will not tell you to give up meat, eggs or dairy, I will encourage you to eat more plants! If you are looking to transition to a plant-based diet I can help you facilitate this change in a way that ensures you are meeting your nutrient needs.
Do you offer in-person sessions?
I do. While I am unable to offer sessions booked through my website in person, you can book an in-person session with me in Langley at Panorama Wellness Group.
Can you help me lose weight?
This depends. Most of my clients have a weight loss goal and this is an area I am passionate about. However, my approach to weight loss is through holistic healthy lifestyle changes, with overall health and wellness being the primary focus. If you are currently overweight or obese and are willing to take the journey to better health and wellness with me, you will lose weight and keep it off. If your health is not a priority and you just want to lose weight quickly, we are probably not the right fit.
Do you recommend booking a package over a consultation?
Generally, yes. A small percentage of clients only need a bit of guidance and do well with 1-2 sessions. However, the packages come with the benefit of accountability, guidance and support to follow through to make the recommended changes. Having weekly checkin-ins and subsequent visits helps me to provide the best possible guidance to help you reach your health and wellness goals. Additionally, purchasing a package saves you money as compared to booking one-off sessions.
Is disordered eating the same as an eating disorder?
Eating disorders are a form of disordered eating but not all disordered eating habits meet the criteria to be diagnosed as an eating disorder (according to the DSM-5-TR). Disordered eating is an umbrella term that includes eating habits such as chronic dieting, skipping meals, binging, guilt or shame surrounding food, distorted body image, emotional eating, fearing/avoiding certain food groups, an obsession with “clean eating,” and related habits. Disordered eating habits put you a risk of developing an eating disorder. You can learn more about disordered eating here. While I specialize in working with clients with disordered eating habits, I do not typically work with clients who have a current diagnosed eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulemia).
Do your packages include meal plans?
With the exception of a sample meal plan included in my Refresh package, they do not. While meal plans have their place, for the most part they do not help you to develop healthy eating habits in their absence. Instead, I help you to make small tweaks to your diet to develop sustainable healthy eating habits and routines. I also provide recipe and meal ideas to help support you, and offer email/chat support if you have any questions or concerns during our time together.
More questions? I am more than happy to answer them over email or through a free 15-minute consultation!